**** sfork – music and whatever ****

Doing what we want – since who cares.

New SFORK: Catbug (Music Video)



While wandering the North Pole for inspiration to overcome a 3 year writers block, we stumbled upon Santa’s Junkyard encased in ice.

Inside we found THOUSANDS of floppy drives, pagers, and Tamagachi pets. Using our sharpest prong we chiseled away for months, uncovering treasure trove of many songs, the first of which can be heard and seen here:

A special thank you to Eile Monty (twitter: @eilemonty) for letting us use the artwork, and of course to the ever-awesome Frederator Studios for creating such a fantastic show, Bravest Warriors.

Downloads of course can be obtained on our bandcamp, this one time at https://sfork.bandcamp.com/track/catbug

More to possibly maybe come, in… the future

– Your friendly neighborhood SFORK


“SFORK, where your new music?”



We’ve been getting asked this question lately. And the answer is “Yes.” And we like the question.

Unfortunately for you we’ve been locked in a thousand year slumber with your missing left sock, so for us its like no time has passed.

Fortunately for you, when we awoke we found about 40 new songs strewn about our drawer (we sleep in a drawer, next to the Cuisineart.)

Therefore, we are sitting on a treasure trove of new ideas waiting for development or completion.

When we come back, oh man… you will like.

Oh, and we found your sock. It was delicious.

Why are we so new, yet so old?


It’s no secret that our little band of musical misfit cutlery was banded in 2010 (okay it actually *is* a secr … well not anymore). But why is it that we only have two songs right now, both which were created in 2010 and not released until 2012 (and 2013 respectively)?

The Mayans. That’s why.

“G*d f*****g d****t! I’ve heard enough about the b****y f*****g Mayans already. We’re all still here, shut up about it.”

Ah, but have you?

You see, it was the Mayans that brought us those big decorative wheels, which you see, were really plates. Archeologists simply had them turned the wrong way. If they had placed these oversized *ehem* plates on the floor they would have realized that the only possible purpose for having such ornate, gargantuan dishware is for giant-sized anthropomorphized sfork-men (*ehem* or sporks, as the americans call them)! (Again, another parenthesis; Thank you expensive education.) (And a semi-colon, but I digress.)

All those happy drawings on the big plates pointed to a day when Sforks would once again return to the earth, sharing laughter and musical joy like the rays of the sun,

but not before the appointed hour.

So you see it is not only that now is the time for SFORK to return to the earth, but also that the ancient wells of culinary/musical knowledge of the ancients is about to be unleashed upon the modern world, to the benefit of all antrhro-kind.

Some say sporks were just an evolutionary dead-end, like the duck-billed platypus, and still some others a horrible lab experiment gone wrong but we say “Nay!”, a Sfork is a divinely given instrument of all that is good and wonderful in the world! Now is the appointed hour of their return!

The Mayans realized this, and that’s why they gave to us the prophetic *ehem* plates of foretelling (and we think spaghetti, there was probably spaghetti on the plates too) and someone made a really bad movie about it that didn’t involve any sporks and in which the world ended cataclysmically.

And now you know the secret. The plates are being deciphered even now as the mighty Sforks are being coaxed out of their ancient slumber to impart many more musical messages to your awaiting souls.

The hour is at hand. Listen to our sacred messages, and have faith that there shall be more.

Combustable Lemon T-Shirts


2015 Edit: Sorry to inform but the Lemon-Grenade T-Shirts and cases have been discontinued by their creator, so the links below will not work. Either way, special thanks to http://www.redbubble.com/people/revolutiongfx for creating the awesome logo!

Greetings Test-Subjects!

We now have this fully-programmable, flame-retardant, orange paint resistant Combustable Lemon T-Shirt available for you to proudly display in public. (God knows its better than whatever it is you’re wearing now).


Combustable Lemon T-Shirts by R-evolution GFX

Okay so its not actually flame-retardant, orange paint resistant or programmable at all, but it is flammable if you light it on fire, (which we don’t recommend), and its also available in 6 sizes and 21 colors, or colours if you prefer to be British.

Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 4.59.54 PM

Don’t wear clothes? Then you’re sure to have an iPad. What self-respecting nudist doesn’t have an iPad? Can’t let that puppie show its apples to just anyone. Cover it up with this nifty Combustable Lemon iPad Cover, and serenade inquisitive onlookers with SFORK’s splendid Cave Johnson Remix.

And while you’re at it, put some clothes on! Nobody wants to see that!

-For Science!

New Ellie Goulding Remix


Sfork remix of Ellie Goulding’s “The Writer.”

Free for download at sfork.bandcamp.com

Bootleg remix of The Writer performed by Ellie Goudling with music by Sfork. Vocal by Ellie Goulding, everything else by Sfork.

released 11 December 2012
The Writer
Written by Elena Jane Goulding and Jonny Lattimer
Published by Covered Infinities LTD
Performed by Ellie Goulding

All Music
Written and Arranged by Sfork
Mixed by Steve Leavitt
Mastered by Stephen Marsh at Marsh Mastering

Artwork by Justin Miyamoto at orchestrateddesign.co

More Sfork music coming


Thank you all for the amazing response to our Portal 2/Cave Johnson remix. We are working feverishly on new music but we have a strict “no-sucking” policy in place, so we are taking our sweet time getting it to you. If you have a problem with this you may ask for the Tooth Fairy to introduce you to a leprechaun so you can ask him where you might find a golden unicorn.
