Category: Uncategorized
What?! NEW CHANNEL URL?!!! WHAT!? NEW SUBSCRIBERS?! (That’s YOU) ≈ Go watch videos NOW! ≥ MOAR!! #sforkisalive #wewintheinternet
What?! NEW CHANNEL URL?!!! WHAT!? NEW SUBSCRIBERS?! (That’s YOU) ≈ Go watch videos NOW! ≥ MOAR!! #sforkisalive #wewintheinternet
AT LONG LAST! While wandering the North Pole for inspiration to overcome a 3 year writers block, we stumbled upon Santa’s Junkyard encased in ice. Inside we found THOUSANDS of floppy drives, pagers, and Tamagachi pets. Using our sharpest prong we chiseled away for months, uncovering treasure trove of many songs, the first of which […]
You must listen. Press the hang-glider. You like?
But our music doesn’t. Become a listener here: We won’t even bother you with those annoying pledge-drives… unless you want to donate, in which case go here: Carry-on.
Thank you all for the amazing response to our Portal 2/Cave Johnson remix. We are working feverishly on new music but we have a strict “no-sucking” policy in place, so we are taking our sweet time getting it to you. If you have a problem with this you may ask for the Tooth Fairy to […]